
Thursday, 19 November 2015

Science in TC

For science, we designed a moon rover at Tamaki College.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Working with my Critical Friend

Today we partnered up with a critical friend, who's job is to spot the mistakes in your writing and helped us to see it and fix it. It was really helpful, because my critical friend found a few errors that I never realised was there. After commenting on the writing, we referenced the writing toolbox to see what level we are on and what we can do better. In the toolbox, there are many different sections of how to improve and score the text, along with things you can do to go to the next level.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Fireworks Safety

Guy Fawkes GoAnimate

(Trying to) Blow up the Parliment by Mengchun on GoAnimate

This is our modern interpretation of the Guy Fawkes story. It shows how Guy Fawkes felt when the King sent his men down into the cellar to capture him, and how the King(prime minister) reacted to the letter about someone's betrayal.