
Wednesday, 27 August 2014

I remember as if it was Yesterday

We were on a trip to a snow filled park to celebrate Dad’s birthday.  I was 8 at that time, and everything was new since I’d never seen snow.  We rode on snow sledges, built a snowman with cup, and I remember very clearly that my sister lost a shoe when riding the ski lift.  When our time was nearly up, my mum brought me a pair of double snow skis.  
“How can you call a snow trip a snow trip without skiing?” she said as she helped me put on the skis.

At first I was very bad at it, then I got a little bit better.  By that I mean I can walk without falling.  I then tried to ski a little, but fell and bruised my knee.  My other knee was bleeding.  Of course I cried, and my mum brought some band aids to me without saying anything.  All that’s left was 10 minutes, and the thought of giving up is nearly all I’m thinking.  Then, a little tiny piece of my mind said “I might never get another opportunity like this.”  

I stood up, and spent the last 10 minutes doing the best skiing of everything I’ve done in the last eight years.  I got bruises bigger than the first one, but I didn’t care.  At the end, I could successfully ski for at least a meter.  It isn’t much, but it felt great.  The feeling of achieving something, I remember it as if it was yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome story Mengchun! Your story was very encouraging and inspiring. I like how you made the most out of your time, it sounds like you had an awesome day at the snow. You are very lucky.


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